Propel your stylist career to

astonishing heights.

What to Expect

This is the best way to launch your stylist career.

Education is extremely important, and that's what we focus on most here! Luxe Beauty is here to help you learn hands-on techniques to perfect your craft. Being a part of our associate's program gives you that additional master's education that you can't find in most places! Becoming educated in the skills that make your work specific to you is something we strive for you to create very early in your career!

The time has come to unveil your greatness, and this is where it all begins.

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See what it's like to work at Luxe Beauty Lounge.

Thinking about what it is to work with the Luxe Beauty Team? One of our favorite things to do is meet new and experienced beauty professionals in our area! Before having you join us out on the stylist floor, we cherish meeting you in person and getting to know you! Using the link below, you can sign up for our first meeting!

Gain experience and clientele.

Our associate program is a 12 months paid program of non-stop learning. Your time is spent partnering with a master-level stylist as their associate, working right alongside your mentor with her clients in the chair. As you move through the program, you will earn up to 3 opportunity days per week to work with your own clients, applying the techniques you are learning and then spending your other days assisting your stylist behind their chair. This program will allow you to grow your clientele before becoming a full stylist here at Luxe Beauty Lounge.

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Start your career today!

Wanting to grow your stylist career here at Luxe can be a valuable switch in your career! Here at Luxe, we strive to make sure each individual stylist is successful in their own desired way. Continuing your education and having a desire for team and personal success is something we value greatly here. Each stylist's path is different, but as long as you continue to progress, we couldn't be more willing to be behind you every step of the way. If you have one or more years as a stylist, you apply to begin a position as a stylist. However, if you are still shy of one year of experience, then we would love to have you a part of our associate program to experience the fantastic mentorship and to start building your dream clientele here at Luxe Beauty Lounge.

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Associates Program


Our Stylist Team